Friday, February 15, 2008

Jim Hightower endorses Barack Obama

Via a diary by a 14 year old supporter at Booman Tribune.
The Nation is reporting that former Agriculture Commissioner for the state of Texas and populist hero Jim Hightower will endorse and campaign for Barack Obama. I have to keep this quick because I've got other things going on but this is very meaningful to me because Jim Hightower was the first political columnist I read. The first bits of political knowledge I learned were from Jim Hightower. Keep reading for my little story.

As some of you know I'm just a kid, 14 years old. So how did I get into politics? In part because of Jim Hightower. I grew up across the street from a food co-op. That co-op is my community. I know everyone there because that was my neighborhood and I still go there every week or so to shop for good local food. When you walk in their is a shelf with local newspapers. One of them used to be the Pulse of the Twin Cites, a weekly progressive paper published by peace activists. That paper ran Jim Hightower's column.

Click here for more.

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